Sunday, December 9, 2012

hope and dream

Assalammualaikum wbt,

dah lewat2 malam baru semangat nak study project documentation datang~haish
isnin minggu depan ada briefing dengan team mates pasal projek ni
dan meeting 'face-to-face' ngan manager. OTK~
tapi, end up korek2 gamba konvo akak dulu
gamba family time tu memang x cukup korum. ya! gua x wujud dalam gamba tu T_T
ketika mereka bergembira berkonvo, gua bermuram durja x dapat join coz ada lab test
go through my family faces..especially abah and mak..
how proud they were at that time
everyone can tell how proud they were by looking at the pic
i want they smile proudly at my convocation
how proud they are having a daughter like me
because they never had a chance to study at university back then
and their dreams are fulfilled by their kids
Ya Allah, please let my parents and family be with me on my convo day
next year..
please let me make them proud
akak already fulfilled their dreams turn. Yosh!
one more thing, DSLR =3

penaik semangat!
haruslah bajet duit elaun
kalo x..
harapan tinggal harapan~~

**OTK = Oh Tuhan Ku

p/s: jeles+gembira tengok kawan2 post gamba konvo mereka~


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